Monday, January 26, 2009

This morning, while it was still cool, we rode our bikes along the main road to the river, then along a dirt road beside the river, all the way to where it meets the sea, a block or so later. There wasn't much happening there - two fishermen lounging against their boat, probably waiting for the rest of their crew - something that looked like a small heron, checking out the mini-fish in the river - a rather unambitious pelican lounging around.

Along the way, we detoured down a short road to the beach between two restaurants. Apparently the restaurants were packed yesterday (Sunday), but today they were deserted. Another fisherman was attempting to get his ponga into the water, or farther into the water, so we offered to help him. The three of us pushed the boat (which was still tied up) until it floated free of the sand. Then we left, and the waves carried the boat back up onto the sand. A small truck was speeding up to the beach. We figured that was our fisherman's crew, and that we would leave the matter to them.

We found TJ and Kris gettting ready to go snorkeling. TJ informed us that the water here is full of sting rays - or so he's been told. That kind of took away my desire to swim, which is a shame. Robin and I went for a delightful swim yesterday afternoon - around 4:30 - in water that was just perfect, in waves that weren't huge, in a bay that didn't have a rip tide. It was great. We never saw a sting ray. Better still, we never felt one.

We also found Colleen and Wade. They were here last night for a little while. They suggested that the three couples get together tonight for dinner. They have chicken breasts to barbecue (or bake). They want me to provide the fried potatoes again - apparently they were a big hit with Wade. Kris isn't sure what she's going to do - something in the way of a salad - but I know it will be good. This morning, we stopped by Colleen and Wade's just long enough to say hello.

Robin spent part of the day snorkeling. He didn't find any fish worthy of catching, but he had a good time, and got in a long swim. I read a book.

Now I've cooked the potatoes, and it's time for us to head over for dinner. I've still not decided whether to attempt to carry a cazuela full of fried potatoes on my bicycle, or walk over - though I suspect it will be the latter. I don't fancy riding my bike home in the dark. (It was great, though, to ride it this morning. I haven't been on the bike since Mazatlan, put off by cobblestones and city traffic).

Photo courtesy of Kristin Ames

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