Saturday, January 03, 2009

On the way to Mr. Lionso's this morning, Robin commented that there were no birds flying over the water - and nobody swimming.There was a mist heavy enough to obscure the city to the south of us. When we got to the top of the beach, though, we could see a group of surfers bobbing in the water, waiting for a wave. The waves were huge. There must have been one hell of a storm somewhere on the Pacific last night, to produce that kind of surge. Surfer heaven. I was enjoying the view so much, I had to tear myself away to go home and make breakfast. As for the birds, they were just a bit late, that's all. On the way back, we watched the pelicans, the ultimate surfers, skimming just above the surface of the waves. The view was absolutely enchanting.

After breakfast, Robin went out for a bike ride, and I took my new canvas chair out to the beach, where I sat lazily, reading and listening to the surf, loving the cool breeze, until I remembered that even on overcast days, it's still possible to burn.

Later, we cycled up to the top of the street in search of some fish for dinner, but the only fish we saw for sale were whole ones, and I wasn't prepared for that kind of project. I really wanted some filets, or at least a cleaned fish. So we came home empty-handed. I have no idea what's for dinner.

We've decided to stay here until Monday morning, so that we can leave with TJ and Kristin. They've gone to something called the Purple Onion to watch football. I'm hoping that either tomorrow, or sometime soon when we're down at Puerto Vallarta, we can all have a bike ride together. They went out yesterday and bought bicycles, having borrowed ours a couple of times and figured out what they were missing!

Meanwhile, though, I have one more bike ride to do today - down the street in the other direction, to buy milk and eggs. Maybe we can have an omelette for dinner. ;>)

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