Friday, January 23, 2009

So little time. So much to read. I didn't realize how quickly my list of things to read - blogs I follow, discussion boards, e-mail, actually built up, until I found myself having to cram all my internetting into an hour or so at a cafe.

I am sitting beside Robin in a restaurant called Las Vacas, located about a block from our park. It has wonderful wi-fi, but unfortunately it doesn't open until 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Fortunately, they have great tortilla soup here, and the lemonade is tasty, so I have something I can order and enjoy at such an odd time of day. I'm speaking as a Norteamericana here - as 2 pm is when Mexicans eat their main meal.

Today I went to a vet to try to get some medication for a dear friend's cat, who is suffering from the predations of a weird worm that can't be treated with anything that's available in the U.S. I'm not sure I've found what she needs yet, but I'll keep trying.

I also did laundry for a couple of hours this morning, and this afternoon we went to Costco, where we stocked up - Robin found the Tillamook cheddar he likes - and we got what we needed for the potluck dinner we're having tonight. Five couples from the park are getting together. I'm going to do smoked pork cutlets with fried potatoes. Somebody's bringing pizza, and there'll be pasta with marinara sauce - and shrimp with dipping sauce - and refried beans - and salad. I bought a flan, because this was a good excuse. ;>)

So it's not been an exciting day, but it has been a tiring one. I'm off now to start cooking.

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