Saturday, April 04, 2009

Me and Michelle, gettin' our hands dirty

I am delighted to see that the Obamas are putting a garden in at the White House. The First Lady seems to be very enthusiastic, as this YouTube video shows.

Watching Michelle at work reminded me that it's time for our own community garden (Nanaimo Community Gardens) to start planting, so I called the office this morning and left a message saying I want to be involved again. I helped out last year, and it was satisfying work. My back ached, and my nails were always grimy, but I had a good time. I also had lots and lots of vegetables. I'm hoping to plant even more herbs this year than last, as I like nothing better than picking fresh basil or rosemary, or gathering mint for tea, and inhaling their heady fragrances.

Last year was pretty sad for tomatoes - we had a lot of blight here - but I have high hopes for this year. After the long winter we've had, we're bound to have a long, hot summer, right?

Do you have a community garden in your town? If you do, may I suggest that you pay them a visit, buy some seedlings, maybe grab a hoe and help out? You'll meet some great people, get more exercise than you really wanted(!!) and make your little corner of the world a greener place.

10 p.m. update: I did go to the garden, and there were several people there. They were digging a duck pond and cultivating a bed for greens. The ducks were there, too - two of them - supervising the digging and gobbling any bugs that happened to come to the surface. There were also a couple of chickens. They didn't care about supervising - it wasn't their pond, after all - but they were keen on the bugs. The sun was shining. It was glorious.

p.s. I've made space on the sidebar for the Poem-A-Day. I'm afraid the width of the column isn't sufficient to reproduce the visuals. For the original format, click here.

n.b. Images from YouTube and Microsoft Clip Art

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