Saturday, August 22, 2009

So Little Time -

- so many things to do. I was called in to work yesterday, so I missed my chance to take pictures of signs for the Friday Photo Shootout. I also missed hearing a friend of mine perform at last night's concert downtown.

Never mind. The wolves are kept from my door for one more day.

Today, I had errands to run in the north end of town, so I used that as an excuse to go see The Time Traveler's Wife - all by myself. I'm glad I did. The movie is nowhere near as beautiful as the book, of course - that almost goes without saying - but I enjoyed it, nonetheless. When it was over, I sat and watched all the titles, because I like to do that. It seems rude to leave the theatre without at least glancing at the names of all the people who worked to create the film I've just seen - and generally, the music is still playing, so it's a shame to walk away.

Tomorrow, Robin and I have the day off together. I imagine there will be some exercise on the agenda, and maybe a visit to one of our nearby Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty. (In England, there are places that are so designated. I've always found that very charming.)

I had an e-mail today from Kim Goldberg, whose poetry reading I attended - several months ago, now. She has a new book coming out, and she has started a blog to celebrate it. I wish her well, and I hope you'll stop by to visit her.
The link is here.


Kathryn Magendie said...

I will stop by and visit her!

I have the Time T Wife on my bookshelf, perhaps it is time to take it down and read it . . . I wasn't sure about the movie, but I may wait for the DVD.

I saw 3 movies this weekend - two DVD and one at the theater - I wasn't wowed by any of them, I have to admit.

Unknown said...

I feel the same way about movie credits. Don't know "The Time Traveller's Wife," but it certainly has an interesting premise (I looked into it!) Was particularly intrigued to learn the author based the characters on Lord Peter Wimsey & Harriet Vane (love Dorothy Sayers & am currently reading Busman's Honeymoon). Hope you have a fine day in Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

Sandra Leigh said...

Kathryn, I'll try to think of some movies to recommend. Life is too short to watch bad movies.

John, I didn't know about the Wimsey connection either. I'm still re-reading TTW, loving it, marveling anew at how believable it all is. The movie didn't have that credibility, possibly because the special effects were very distracting. Instead of just vanishing, the MC would fade away like the Cheshire Cat.

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