Tuesday, January 23, 2007

I went online this morning and found an e-mail from DIL. It included a video of lovely granddaughter at something called a gymboree, crawling! That's what we get for going away. Apparently she is also pulling herself up to a standing position, so I bet she will be walking by the time we get back.

DIL also talked about making a dish with fish, coconut milk, green chiles, Indian spices... Then and there I decided what we're having for dinner tonight. I have almost all the ingredients she mentioned, bet I can fake the Indian spices with a little bit of Vindaloo paste. Thanks, J.

We cycled out toward the marina again this morning, but turned off and went toward what I had thought was another section of downtown. It turned out that the road came to a dead end at this place: www.marinaterra.com Looked expensive, it did. It seems that the part of San Carlos where we're staying is pretty well all there is to the downtown.

Later, R went for a bike ride by himself, took an Albertan neighbour's advice that he ride out to the (disused) airport. He said it was about a three mile ride at a gentle upgrade, then a great coast back down to the main road. I went out to try it, got to the place where I should turn off the main road, heard my cell phone alarm go off. Aaaargh. Time to take my antibiotic. Turned around. Rode home. Oh, well. Mañana. Better planning. Hey! I've just figured out that I can cut and paste things like ñ from the Alt Codes page, without having to use the codes. I still haven't figured out why the laptop won't recognize them.

We did go to Tony's truck today, so the salsa emergency is over. Phew.

That's all the news from San Carlos.

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