Friday, November 06, 2009

Day 6 - and a fine day was had by all.

Belatedly, my report on Day 5 (the real Day 5).  I tried to do my 2,000 words for yesterday, but I fell asleep after 1,974. That's okay. It's more than I need to have each day. I still don't  know what I wrote, but I did write.

Then came today. Jane and I had a much-needed Girls' Day Out. We drove to Qualicum in the rain and went straight to My Girlfriend's Closet (the consignment shop), source of every article of clothing I own at this point (Yes, that's an exaggeration, but not much of one). We both thought at first that there was nothing in the store that interested us, but then each of us found some pants, and I found a great shoulder bag for traveling (one of those new ones that's shaped sort of like a wine skin and has a wide strap). Then I found a suede jacket, the first one I've ever owned. It's a lovely, fitted one that's soft as  - soft as suede, yeah! And then, and then.....

We left the shop with our huge bags of booty, and went off to lunch. On our way back to the car, we stopped in at a little tea shop we had never visited before, and I added to my considerable tea stash. The lady who runs the shop also teaches the Japanese tea ceremony by appointment. I think we'll be making that appointment before long.

Jane and I were having such a good time, we decided to extend our little holiday by going to Acme Foods in Nanaimo for dinner, it being Frugal Friday. Dinner was delicious, and at half price.

Here it is, now, nearly midnight, and I'm finally here to make my report. Today's word count is 2,028. Total word count: 13,366.

I feel very good about that.  Oh - and I just popped over to Barbara Ettridge's blog, Finding My Voice, and there I found Dr. Wicked's Word Count widget, which I have borrowed for my own sidebar. Pretty cool.


Barb said...

What a fabulous day out! I wish I lived closer to you.

The write or die application is good for getting some words down if you need a push (not that it sounds like you do!) Just don't use the hardcore version...

Barry said...

Oh, I like the idea of Frugal Friday!

And if we could talk them into Frugal all the rest of the days of the week, I'd like it even more.

Sounds like you had a fun day--and kept your word count up!

Way to go!

Unknown said...

Sounds like a fine day! It's great that you're being productive & having fun.

Rick said...

You fell asleep with onlyh 26 words left to go??? Ouch. You have to move the coffee pot closer to your desk!

Totalfeckineejit said...

13 000 words is amazing, keep going ,we're rooting for you!Hope you enjoy your jacket that you per-suede-d yourself to buy.

RLM Cooper said...

Cool widget. For us, if not for you. Still...better to write a few good words than thousands of poopy ones. At least that's my motto. But then... I don't have the discipline (or the stamina) to participate in writing a whole novel in a month. MY novel-in-a-month would require a two-year re-write. Heh.

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