Tuesday, March 11, 2008

It's a boy!

I've been waiting for the e-mail announcing the birth of our grandson, and it just came through. There's a lot of being born that gets done on March 11, it seems. Last night we went to a birthday party for Jeane, over in Tecalai. Her actual birthday is today - as is Chantal's. We'll be going out to dinner at La Fiesta tonight to celebrate Chantal's birthday. Now we can raise a toast as well to Jasper, the newest Leigh.

Chantal celebrated her birthday by walking alone all the way to the estuary and back. She took her time, made several rest stops, and says she really enjoyed the walk. Sheesh. Now I have to do it! Maybe tomorrow. I can do a 10k walk, but I've never done one on the beach. Walking in sand is heavy work.

The last time we were all over at the estuary - night before last, I think - one of the vegetable men pulled up in his truck just as we were leaving. He was so charming, we couldn't resist buying stuff. I bought tortillas and a grapefruit - as our free grapefruit supply seems to have dried up - and cilantro and eggs. He threw in five big red bell peppers as a bonus. I guess he had an oversupply, because he gave five or six to Terry, as well. I roasted mine last night and put them in a jar with olive oil and garlic.

While Chantal was off on her jaunt, the men went for a dive/snorkel adventure. It seems Terry finally got to dive, as somebody found him a wetsuit that fit. I stayed here and dog-sat, which was an excuse to sit around and do not much at all except wonder when that e-mail would arrive.

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