I know I promised...
...that last night's post would be cheerier than the one before -- but things got so cheery, I didn't get here at all. I went to a party, you see. I ate. I drank (after my fashion) -- and I danced -- again, after my fashion, which is to say, badly. I had a great time.
Oh, yes. I composed an occasion-specific, humorous version of "The Twelve Days of Christmas" and led the assembled masses (100+ people!) in singing it. There was the usual mumbling at the beginning, but by the time we got to the fifth day, everybody had got into the spirit, and soon there was the bobbing up and down, shouting, and laughter I had hoped for. Holey Moley. I felt like Leonard Bernstein. ;>)
Christmas seems to be busting out all over Nanaimo. Just a few nights ago, Robin and I went to dinner at the Fox and Hounds, where we enjoyed the beautifully decorated tree but had to shout to converse with each other, because not only was Elvis singing the dreaded Christmas kitsch at full blast, but somebody's child was operating the Christmas-themed music box on the bar, making the snowmen twirl around and sing. (That's what inspired me to photograph the poster at the top of this post.)
I take great comfort from listening to the CBC, hearing the various announcers stating, almost unanimously, that they can't stand Christmas muzak either, then playing carols sung by the choir of Kings College, Cambridge (MY kind of Christmas music!)
Congratulations on getting people in the spirit! That's a brave thing to undertake, and I'm glad it worked for you!
Sandra can sing - don't let her fool you. :) SO glad you had a great time, Sandra. Wish I could have been there to see it all with you.
Thank you, Karen. It does seem to have gone well. I've had a lot of positive feedback.
Angel May, I can sing, it's true. But I can't dance. I dearly wish I could, but I can't.
Is there any way for the owner of a blog to delete those anonymous "comments" -- if not, there ought to be.
Yep. There is, and I did. I've been at work all day, so I didn't know it was there.
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