Friday, December 11, 2009

Friday Photo Shootout - Weather

I went to the Friday Photo Shootout site to make an announcement. I wanted to confess/complain that when I was taking photos at the Christmas party the other night, my camera started making a strange sound. Let's see. It was something like this:  "Erk. Erk. Erk. Erk. Erk."  Whenever I turned the camera on or off, that's what it would say. My friend Jane, who was also at the party, suggested that perhaps I should stop turning the camera on and off, because I might be exacerbating the problem by doing so, That made sense. I turned the camera off, and I haven't turned it on since. The problem seems to involve the mechanism for poking the lens unit out of the front of the camera. I guess this is when I say"Drat! I did not buy the extended warranty."

So the upshot of this is that I don't have a camera anymore, at least not for the moment. That makes posting to FFS more than a little problematic.

Then I noticed that I did in fact have a weather-related photo in my archives. Ta-da! The weather that I photographed is not the weather we have today, but it is weather. Rainy weather, to be exact - the kind of weather we expect to have here on Vancouver Island in the winter. What we actually have is freezing weather. I would like the rain back, please. And the warmth to go with it.

Anyway, it was a stroke of good luck to find a weather-related photo, but unless it happens that the FFS topics for the next few weeks happen to fit the contents of my archive, I shall be Photoless in Blogland. I shall try to either repair or replace my camera before I head to Hawaii in mid-January, because I have a feeling I'm going to want to take a picture or two when I'm there. ;>)

To see more Friday Photo Shootout posts, please click on the big black camera on my sidebar.


NanU said...

oh dear, I'm sorry about your camera. I just saw in The Economist that extended warranties are highly overrated, though. You're better off taking the chance, because the repair is rarely more than the cost of the EW and your item isn't likely to break down within the covered period anyway.
For the next post, you can talk us through it like blind people!

Barry said...

It may be only one photo but it's a very good photo!

And I have a hunch you'll need your camera for Hawaii too!

Otherwise we might never forgive you if we're trapped in cold snowy Toronto and don't even get to visit Hawaii vicariously!

Barry & Linda

Unknown said...

How sad about your camera--I do really like that photo, tho. Do you need a camera for Hawaii? YES!

GingerV said...

sorry about your camera but whoopie, whoopie you can buy yourself a new one for christmas....
and because the next two weeks are christmases past, present or future, you can use archived photos and not even have to admit to it....

RLM Cooper said...

Sandra have you tried turning the camera back on? Maybe you could thump it. :) If it breaks, it needed replacing anyway. That's AngelSpouse's motto. Heh. I hate it when stuff just quits working. Sorry to hear that this time it's something of yours.

Sandra Leigh said...

NanU, I agree that extended warranties are overrated. What I need to do is count (silently, to myself!) all the things I have that did not break down as soon as the warranty expired, and take comfort in that figure.

Barry and John, okay. I'll start pricing them now and saving my pennies.

GingerV, that's great news about the next two weeks!

Poetikat, the next invention should be a rechargeable digital camera with batteries only for backup - or does that already exist?

Angel May, I did, I did try The Thump. It didn't work. Before I replace the camera, I will turn it on again - maybe in front of one of the guys at Best Buy. That should ensure that it starts working again.

Mary said...

Very sorry about the camera. I dropped my this summer and it did the same thing. My son was able to take it apart and it was fixed. He really didn't do anything, it just worked when he put it back together. Good luck to you.

Gordon said...

Digital cameras make life so easy. They are a necessity, now. Thanks for posting.

Sandra Leigh said...

Mary, I don't suppose your son would like to take my camera apart?

Gordon, indeed they are.

Kerry said...

Have fun picking out a new camera: it's a good time to get one because there are so many sales. And I want the rain back too; it's icy and cold here in Oregon tonight!

~JarieLyn~ said...

Rainy photos are my favorite. I love to see the reflections on the wet streets. Great shot.

Jama said...

I'm camera-less like you too, photos turned out overexposed and there's some slight sound like yours. It's being repaired right now and should be ready within 10 days. Good thing I've taken photos of the sunny sky and rain a few days before.
Before the camera break down I was looking around for a new camera but I've decided to send my canon S5 for repair since I really love that camera.

Chef E said...

I got my new Nikon when we went to the PNW last year, so I know you will be getting one for your trip, or to be a tourist my dear, lol, that is what I tell hubby when he starts snapping away,now I got the bug!

I would rather have snow than rain, is that crazy...

RedLan said...

having a problem with your camera to do a shoot for a photo related group is feeling so sad. Sad to know what happened to your cam. However, you still tried to participate and I really appreciate it. I had a net connection problem these last two days but i dont want to miss the participation too. We love the group I can say. Thanks for sharing your story. It's more than ones can see one photo.

shabby girl said...

I like your photo as well. How fun to HAVE to buy a new camera! Not that I want to HAVE to. Can't wait to see photos from Hawaii!!!

Emma said...

Oh no! I hope you get your camera in working order again soon! Love the reflection of cars in your photo.

Pauline said...

I liked your rain photo. sorry to hear about your camera, hope it can be fixed because you must have a camera in Hawaii.

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