Thursday, December 17, 2009

Unaccustomed As I Am To Public Writing - 

It feels like weeks since I was last here. I am pleased to report that I have ceased thinking of nothing but My Belly, the trials and tribulations thereof, and proceeded to My Navel, the gazing at. After feeling crappy for a couple of days, it occurred to me that my ailment might be stress-related,which would not be surprising, given the season, and even if it weren't, it was high time I got back to my practice, so I sat and meditated for a few minutes. It felt great. I've set my alarm for fifteen minutes early in the morning, so that I'll have time to get up and sit down.

On the other hand, I suspect I ate something I shouldn't have. And on yet another hand, I've just read the previous paragraph and realized that it sounds as if I cured my sick belly by meditating. No, no, no. First I felt better. Then I meditated.

Anyway, while lying around, I've gotten some reading in, and I've written a few holiday cards, which actually puts me ahead of my usual form for December. And I put the decorations on the tree, though I haven't turned the lights on yet (awaiting the Solstice, I am.) Best of all, I think I've figured out what to buy my Impossible-to-Buy-For Husband for Christmas. He doesn't want anything that he can't either eat or drink, and somehow buying him candy or whiskey doesn't feel very wifely, but I have thought of something that might just come in handy for our trip to Hawaii, so I'm going to get him that. I can't say what it is, because from time to time, I hear the sound of music coming from the next room, and I realize that it's music I've posted here at The Turtle.  He doesn't follow officially, but he does read my blog. (I'll be listening for this song.)

Thank you for your get-well wishes, friends. I'll be over to see you as soon as I can.

Oh, and about that clipart image at the top. I found it here.


Karen said...

I'm glad you're feeling better!

Thanks for the beautiful music and the verses on there. The solstice is special to me (stop by my place on Monday to see why (tease, tease!

Karen said...

Boy! I really messed up that punctuation! I DO know better.

Sandra Leigh said...

Heh. It is a little quirky, the punctuation, but I thought you were pointing the way to your blog. I shall check out your Solstice offering, for sure. Thanks, Karen.

Unknown said...

Lovely music, & also glad to hear you're on the mend!

Anonymous said...

Sorry you were not feeln' good and happy you are better! x0

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