Friday, May 08, 2009

Ta-Da! And the winners are...

This morning, I woke up to find that John Hayes of Robert Frost's Banjo had bestowed an award on me - that lovely cuppa pinkness over in the sidebar. It's called the One Lovely Blog Award. I was just chuffed, and very grateful.

Now it's my turn to strew flowers in the path of a few of the bloggers who entertain and inspire me every day.

First of all, there's Fellowette - The Egalitarian Bookworm (Chick?), whose knowledge of and interest in all things literary both fascinate and humble me. Following her coverage of the Little Dorrit (Dickens) series on television was like watching a literary Super Bowl. And the energy of the woman! Sheesh. An award for a Renaissance woman.

Then there's Kim. Kim Richardson's Writer in Waiting chronicles the road to publication of her unforgettable memoir, The Unbreakable Child. What makes Kim's blog special is her heart. It's right there, on her sleeve. It is impossible to read Writer in Waiting without seeing that, and without feeling connected to Kim. I hope she will keep right on blogging while she writes her next book. An award for one of the kindest people I've ever had the pleasure to meet.

Third (and good things do come in threes, right?) there's Kathryn Magendie of Tender Graces. Speaking of energy, Kathryn explodes off the screen like a champagne cork. I met her back in January, when she popped in to comment on my blog. I followed her home, and I've never left. She probably wishes I would, because I'm a messy old thing. The trouble is, she makes me feel so welcome. Now that Tender Graces (her first novel - oh, and did I mention it's wonderful?) has been published, Kathryn is threatening to go into hiding while she writes the sequel. No, no, I say. Stay. Tell us every detail of your process. An award for a woman whose love of life is contagious.

There. Three bloggers, three very different blogs, all dear to my heart. I offer you this award with no strings attached. Thank you for everything.


Unknown said...

Hi Sandra:

Glad you enjoyed the award-- the amazing thing to me is you hadn't received one before, as this is such a good blog. I'll look forward to checking out your choices!

Sandra Leigh said...

Thanks again, John. Of course I gave the award to three busy people who promptly went away and won't come home to read their comments - but I trust that eventually they'll come home - they're bound to. ;>)

Barry said...

Kathryn is an excellent choice (and your description of her seems both accurate and hilarious). I'm sure your other choices are equally deserving, but I have yet to visit their blogs. An oversight I need to address immediately.

And speaking of deserving, what a great blog you have! If I had an award to give I'd be sure to give you one too!

Sandra Leigh said...

Thank you, Barry. A compliment from you is an award in itself.

Anonymous said...

Thank you most kindly, Sandra!!! I shall pick his up immediatedly and cherish it! Congrats to you, as well....well deserved!

Sandra Leigh said...

Thank you, Kimmi. I think the pink will look good on you, don't you?

SarahMarian said...


Thanks so much! I'm so glad we became blog-buddies!!!!

SarahMarian said...

And yes you are right, I was away from the intertubes all mothers day weekend, but now I am back! Thanks again.

Sandra Leigh said...

You are very welcome. I'm glad, too.

Kathryn Magendie said...

Oh! Thank you thank you for those words, Sandra - first I read above what you said about TG and now this -- stop it! I'm trying to write and it's hard to write when your eyes are blurred -- ...I feel honored and special and loved.

Sandra Leigh said...

You are very welcome, Kathryn. It's just the truth.

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