Friday, May 29, 2009

I figured it out!

Remember when I said I had a video on my camera, but I couldn't figure out how to upload it to Blogger? What I did today was upload it to YouTube, and from YouTube to here. I trust it works, as it is now visible (to me, anyway) on YouTube. The video is nothing special - just an experiment - but it has sound. Wooooooo.


Unknown said...

Yay! Glad you figured it out-- I love YouTube for that very reason, but I didn't know it could take a video directly from a camera. Cool. I loved the peaceful sound of the water & the calls of the sea birds.

Sandra Leigh said...

Heh. Did you like the clicking sound my camera made when I tried to keep zooming when I had run out of zoom? ;>) The one downside I found (other than that) was that it seemed to take forever to upload, and then YouTube kept saying it had uploaded but was still processing. It said that for an hour or so before I gave up and pushed Play. My video was there.

Unknown said...

Hi Sandra:

The uploads do take a bit, & then as you say there's the "processing." I hit the refresh button after what seems to be a reasonable amount of time & usually I get the "Live!" message. I didn't find the sound of the zoom (or attempted zoom) distracting, but I do know the feeling of trying to get in closer & the camera not co-operating!

Sandra Leigh said...

Kat, that would be wonderful (post tomorrow, etc.)

I live in Nanaimo, B.C., which is on the east coast of Vancouver Island. I'm about an hour and a half north of Victoria by car, or the same time west of Vancouver by ferry.

Sandra Leigh said...

LOL - Kat, you may beat me to it. I'm still working on mine, when I'm not getting lost online, or finishing Joshilyn Jackson's Between, Georgia (I just did that. Great ending).

Terrace is in northwestern BC. I spent a couple of days there, about six years ago, when we had mechanical (motorhome) troubles on our way to the Yukon. It's a very faraway place!

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