I did intend to write a post today, truly I did, but events overtook me. Remember those Nordic walking poles I tried out at Florencia Bay? I decided to give them another try, this time at Piper's Lagoon in Nanaimo. I took my camera along and of course ended up doing more clicking of the shutter than walking. When the little battery icon on my camera started flashing, I finally put the camera away and did some serious walking - or as serious as it can get at the lagoon, which features a path that no sooner gets started than
it runs into an enormous, tree-topped rock,
thus making it a little difficult to get any kind of stride going. I did my best, and then I scurried around the town, running errands, finally ducking into Starbucks to have a cup of coffee and work on the poem I'm submitting for Original Poetry Sunday tomorrow.
When I got home, it occurred to me that I really should go online and check out a site that would confirm that I was using the walking poles correctly. What I found was a site that told me I was doing it wrong, wrong, wrong. Oh, dear. Back to square one.
Now - the reason I really wanted to post today was to thank Angie Ledbetter (Gumbo Writer) for taking time in the middle of her hectic life to host a writing contest last week. I entered the contest. I didn't win, but I did earn a rating of four crawfish (out of five), and my piece came back with the cyber equivalent of red pencil marks - most of them very positive. The experience was both humbling and exciting. |Thank you, Angie, and thank you as well to Nannette Croce of zine writer, who joined Angie in judging the entries.
What an amazing part of the world you live in. Something about the second picture makes a little home sick for Australia! I think it may be because they look a bit like Jacaranda Trees, which are beautiful in bloom.
Lovely pictures. Interesting that you picked a Langston Hughes poem-- I'm feeling pretty fascinated by his writing right now myself.
Hi, Barb. Now I'm trying to remember what kind of tree that is. I'm thinking maybe it's a Garry Oak.
John, I was thrilled to discover Langston Hughes (not that long ago, I'm ashamed to admit). I absolutely love his poems.
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