And high time, I think. The week is half over. I wrote a little bit extra today - 2,606 words - because I doubt I'll be able to write much, if anything, tomorrow. I have at least a 10 1/2 hour work day ahead of me, and something tells me I won't be In the Mood. That brings my word count to 36,209. Again, today, I had a good idea what scene I would write - it was one I had thought about weeks ago - so writing it was not a problem. The wandering plot that afflicted me last week has settled back into line, and I am feeling much more hopeful that when I finish writing my 50,000 words, I will have something in the way of a story to work with, not just 50,000 words.
At any rate, I wrote a little extra today, and I'll write a little extra on the weekend, Muses willing, to make up for tomorrow's expected shortfall.
And now for the really good news - There's going to be a party - another party - in Blogland! Totalfeckineejit (That's his self-portrait on the right. I borrowed it for purposes of the invitation. I hope he doesn't mind.) Anyway, TFE,
whose grand entrance at Willow's Manor Ball was the talk of the interwebs, is throwing a party of his own, the Maximus Miracle Poteen Party, on Thursday, and we're all invited, all those who visit TFE's blog and read the invitation and learn what on earth poteen is. If you haven't done that yet, here's your chance - just click here to read TFE's post and RSVP. Don't miss this gala - not only will there be a special guest, poet Liz Gallagher, but there will be a prize - not to mention a stellar cast of entertainers and celebrities with whom to rub elbows. (I'm not kidding. Check out the guest list!) Speaking of being In the Mood, I think a little music would be a good way to close, don't you?
Gotta go see what Eejit is up to...
I will be at the party. Thanks for the warning, er, suggestion.
By the way, if this isn't too personal a question, did the earth move for you last night?
I hear tell of a 6.6 earthquake out your way?
Oh, Willow - you must go to the party.
Barry, no, I didn't feel a thing. Old age, I guess. ;>)
Good on you, Sandra! You are really getting ahead with this writing. Excellent!
I'm borrowing TFE's pic to promote the Poteen Party on my site.
Keep writing!
Great song of course! Barry's right: there was a 6.6 quake in Queen Charlotte Islands--6.6 should have had things rocking pretty well, but that's quite a ways north of you by the looks. I love that drawing of TFE.
A bit more on the quake: according to the usgs, it was:
Felt throughout the Queen Charlotte Islands. Felt (III) at Kitimat and (II) at Prince Rupert, Smithers and Terrace. Also felt at Abbotsford, Burns Lake, Campbell River, Courtenay, Duncan, Port Hardy, Prince George, Vancouver and Vanderhoof. Felt at Chugiak, Hyder, Ketchikan, Metlakatla and Petersburg, Alaska; Lewiston, Idaho; Brookings and Oregon City, Oregon; Bellingham, Maple Valley and Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.
Sandra Leigh! You is a star! I can't believe the productivity, 36,000 words total and 2,606 in one day? That's inspirational.And you is very generous to give my poteen party a major mention.You is too kind! Expect double poteen rations when you arrive at the castle tomorrow and an introduction to anybody in the world ye care to meet. Pip pip! Peadar.
Poetikat, that's wonderful. I can tell that this party is going to be a roaring success.
John, I was feeling really left out - or insensitive - thinking I was the only one who hadn't felt the earthquake, but my husband didn't feel it either, so I guess it just went around us.
TFE, thank you, thank you. I think I'm going to make up for it by not writing at all today, unless I feel a sudden inspiration, which isn't likely, because my eyes are trying to close already, and it's only 7:30 something.
I shall take you up on that double poteen ration. I'll definitely need it by then.
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