Saturday, November 14, 2009

and Day 13, well, not so much.

That's mostly because work had sucked the marrow from my soul, and I had nothing to give to my story. I trudged into the fray, though, and I finally passed the 2,000 word mark - but not until 12:15.  Never mind. I hereby declare 12:15 a.m. to be part of yesterday, for NaNo purposes.

"Today's" word count: 2,016. To date: 28,354.

Tired now. Must sleep.


Barry said...

" had sucked the marrow from my soul"

I hate it when work lest that!


RLM Cooper said...

Don't make me come up there! There is absolutely no point in making yourself sick over this thing. I mean it. :\

Karen said...

You can define the day any way you wish, Sandra. I admire your dedication to the, to your art!

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