Friday, July 03, 2009

Happy Fourth of July!

It's strangely quiet in the Land of Blog. I suspect that a lot of folks are off somewhere, cooking hot dogs, steaming corn, competing in three-legged races, and waiting for the fireworks to start. Good for you, and Happy Fourth.

I will mark the day by posting what is, to me, the quintessential American music. I hope you enjoy it.


Anonymous said...

I is weirdly quiet, isn't it!

Unknown said...

Rhapsody in Blue is a great piece of music. Do you think blog land tends to be more quiet in the midsummer?

Rose Marie Raccioppi said...

A music treat - thank you. I am infused with the Spirit of '76 - do visit - my Happy 4th word!

Reya Mellicker said...

Gershwin is a nice choice, thanks for this. Yep, the 4th is a really big deal for most places in the U.S.

At our house the feasting is over. My roommates are off at a party to watch the fireworks. I am not a fan of fireworks so I get to tuck myself into my room and go in search of posts written by non-Americans.


Liza B. Gonzalez said...

It's pretty quiet on the blog front but summertime is just slow everywhere. Lovely, music selection. Gershwin is the Quint american. His music is filled with so much optimism.

Greetings from Florida.

California Girl said...

Hi Sandra: thank you for a great video. I LOVE "Rhapsody". It's one of the first "classical" (I thought) pieces I liked as a young child.

Kathryn Magendie said...

That always makes me smile - that piece of music .... :)

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