Sunday, July 26, 2009

O, Canada!

We made it safely to Wellman Lake in Manitoba, where we will be spending a few days with old friends. We are surrounded by mud and mosquitoes, and we are watching lightning in the distance. The Turtle is filthy, having come through a rainstorm on the dirt and gravel road that stretches 30 km or so from the highway to Wellman Lake.

I guarantee you, there will be photos. I will gird myself with copious quantities of Deet and head out to photograph the lake and surroundings, just as soon as the sun comes up again.

Meanwhile, I've had a very long day, so good-night, everyone.


Unknown said...

I like the concept of being girded with Deet.

Sandra Leigh said...

'round these parts, it's a good idea to carry a can of the stuff in each hand and stride manfully along the path, spraying as you go. The skeeters don't seem to be too bad this morning, so after brunch, I think I'll have me a walk.

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