Monday, July 13, 2009

Change of Plans

I'm just popping in to say that all of a sudden it appears that we'll be leaving tomorrow for our little holiday - so life is a flurry of laundry and shopping and making sure I remember passports and out-of-province medical insurance and oh, I'd better tell Jane we're leaving early, and all that. I'm trying to get to everybody else's blog, but if I don't comment for a few days, do accept my apologies - Life will return to normal (that is, I'll be in travel mode, blogging faithfully every day, reading all your blogs and comments) very soon - sooner than expected, in fact.


Tracy said...

Have a wonderful time, Sandra...wishing you safe and happy travels! :o)

Anonymous said...

Have a wonderful holiday! Relax and enjoy.

Unknown said...

Bon voyage! The day or so before a big trip is always hectic, but it's worth it once you're on the road.

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