Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Midland, Texas - Second post of the day

Yesterday, I read John Hayes's blog, Robert Frost's Banjo. The post was written by John's wife, Eberle, and it is part of a fascinating series about the history of women in literature. Well. Not only was the post itself wonderful, but it had links. Lots of great links. That's where the trouble started. I followed the link referring to Sojourner Truth and found myself in a Wikipedia article that just had to be mined for a Found Poem. I dug the poem out and submitted it to The Found Poetry Project. Tim Green liked it, and he published it today, as I found out after I had posted this morning's quick note. Thank you, Tim.

So here I was, barreling down the road in Texas, trying to get settled for the night so I could come here and acknowledge John and Eberle, but when I opened my blog, I found that John had already been here, complimenting me on the poem. John, I am so sorry. I was thinking too much about the end of my family reunion, and got my signals crossed. And now I see that you have put a link to the poem (and here) in your own blog. You are a true gentleman.


Meanwhile, we headed for San Angelo this morning, but it was only 2:15 p.m. when we got there, so we kept going to Midland. I'm not sure the decision was a good one. When we got to Midland, we found the RV park - finally - and discovered that it looks a lot better on paper than in person. It also had one spot left for us, so we might well have ended up sleeping in a Wal-Mart parking lot (they don't have wi-fi, you know). Never mind. We're here, and it's only for one night. Robin is watching television, and, well, you know what I'm doing.


Unknown said...

Hi Sandra:

Hey, not to worry. Both Eberle & I were delighted about the poem. She said, "That's just what should happen." I know you're on the go, & as I said, was gratified that the post took you interesting, & ultimately creative, places.

mindy said...

I miss you already Aunt Sandra! It was such an enjoyable and most adventurous visit and always feels too short when its time to say farewell. I love you! Travel safe and hope to see you this August!!!

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