A Little Whimsy on a Monday Afternoon
Today's Monday. Today's Monday. Monday is washing day -- and vacuuming day, and finding the long-lost surfaces in my home day. In the course of my housecleaning, I came across these silly socks.
They were a Christmas present. When I first saw them, I thought they were funny. Today, in need of a bit of amusement and a little warmth for my feet, I tried them on. Now, I must admit that the actual donning of these socks is no easy matter. Each toe must be squeezed into its own little glovey bit, and if you have curly little toes like mine (Only the little toes are curly, by the way. Most of my toes are perfectly normal. Really.) -- if you have curly little toes like mine, the job is pretty labour-intensive. However, once they're on, these silly socks are amazingly comfortable. I've been wearing them for several hours now while I performed my Monday drudgery -- and I'm seriously considering making them my Official Writing Socks. I suppose I should consider getting a few more pairs, too -- or I'll only be able to write once a week.
Back when I was studying at university, I had a pair of pants (I think they were cargo pants) in olive drab. I called them my Latin American Revolutionary Pants or, when when that was too much to say, my Che Guevara Pants. I wore them whenever I had an essay to write. I don't know what happened to those pants. I miss them, and I need them -- or at any rate, I need something in the way of vestments to help me settle into Writing Mode.
Do you wear something special when you write? Pajamas, maybe? Sweatpants and t-shirt? I'll bet there isn't a writer in the world who dresses up to write -- I mean, dresses in business clothes. Dressing up as such, well, that's another matter. Somewhere, I have a gold ribbon Hallowe'en wig that I used for a while to inspire me.
Wow. I went looking for a picture to illustrate my Latin American Revolutionary Pants, and there they were. Hmmm.
Kat, you said something about having to do your laundry, and that set me off.
And Kat -- given my druthers, I'd spend the whole day in my pajamas -- but that's probably because I don't have my Latin American Revolutionary Pants anymore. ;D
If those are going to be your official writing socks, then everything you write will certainly be colorful. :)
I write best in my flannel jammies and woolly socks.
Great story as usual sandra...can't wait to get writing. Let me know about Wed.
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