Thursday, July 08, 2010

Theme Thursday Post - "Ball"

How interesting. Even though I've spent the last week (two weeks?) engrossed in football (soccer) and tennis, my first thought on reading this week's theme had nothing to do with sports. The first thing that came to mind was The Secret Policeman's Ball. In case you aren't familiar with this gem (actually a series of gems, shows produced to benefit Amnesty International), I've embedded a sample skit below...

....and the second thing that came to mind, predictably enough, was The Secret Policeman's Other Ball.

Disclaimer: I recommend that you watch this second video either alone or in the company of a tolerant friend/mate. It made me howl. Really. Consider yourself warned.

Maybe I had simply had enough of sports for the time being, and I needed a little comic relief. In any event, I ended up spending quite some time working my way through YouTube's Secret Policeman collection, and I'm glad I did. Dare I say it? I had a ball.


Kris McCracken said...

We have the LP at home. It always slightly confused me. Not as much as Pink Floyd, however.

tony said...

if You Watched England play you got both Sport and Comic Relief!

kim said...

Ahh, thank you for kick starting my day with laughter! Loved it.

Roy said...

Heh, heh! I didn't see the comedy parts of the Secret Policeman's Ball (and the Other Ball) until years later; I had the LPs and they were mostly all the music acts. These are great!

RLM Cooper said...

Funny, Sandra!

Dot-Com said...

Uh now that was excellent! And I agree with Tony, some of the World Cup games have been comedy sport!

Betsy Brock said...

Oh! I have never seen those before! LOL!

Mary@GigglesandGuns said...

Thanks -- now get back to work ;>)

Giggles and Guns

Baino said...

Class stuff, I remember seeing it on telly years ago. I don't think there's been a comedy like it since

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