Sunday, May 16, 2010

Everybody loves the sound

of a train in the distance - especially the chug-chug-chug-chug of an old- fashioned steam train. We weren't up to much today, both still feeling under the weather, so we took a short drive to Paignton and rode the steam train from there to Kingswear and back, just for fun. I spent the trip bouncing back and forth from one side of our carriage to the other, snapping pictures of the sights along the way, waving back at the people who were smiling and waving at us as they watched the train go by.

We did a lot of driving yesterday, though, to get to our family reunion. It was well worth the drive -- there were four generations of Leighs represented, and Robin's younger brother, the patriarch, was positively glowing with pride.

Before the reunion got underway, the three of us took a little ride around the countryside. We stopped at this charming pub at Rockmoor, where I spotted a rookery in the trees.

I didn't see any rooks, mind you, just the rookery. The best thing about the pub was that the sun came out just as we got there, so we were able to sit outside in the sunshine to drink our ale/lemonade. The weather continued to improve, and when everyone arrived for the reunion, all nineteen of us had our dinner out on the patio.

We arrived home with the setting sun last night, sorry that our reunion was so short, but determined to keep the lines of communication open. I found myself a little envious of this group who -- apart from the Canadian contingent -- live so near to one another, can see each other weekly, if they like. My own family is so far-flung -- from one side of Canada to the other, and from Canada to the United States -- that this kind of closeness just isn't possible. We do try -- Skype is our best friend, followed closely by Facebook -- but it's not the same as being able to hug the people you love, whenever you like.
So that was yesterday, and today was a day of rest and recovery and nostalgia. Oh - and I found a new friend for Duffy, Steinbeck and Wilson. He was at the gift shop at the Paignton Rwy Station. I've named him Paignton, after his home town, because it's important to remember where we came from.


Barry said...

It's wonderful that people still stop and wave at passing trains. There are so many things we used to do that bonded us as a community that have fallen out of fashion.

I'm glad the reunion went well and hope you are both feeling better.

I've been reading so much about Skype, I'm going to have to look into it.

Unknown said...

A train station animal! Very good. Sounds like a most pleasant reunion.

Sandra Leigh said...

Yes, Barry, people still wave at trains -- especially at the steam trains, which are simply a joy to watch and to hear. They go chug chug chug, the way trains are supposed to, and from time to time they say "Choo-choo!" Nobody can resist them.

John, I took photos of my new friend and his buddies this morning, but I forgot to post them. Another day, then.

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