Tuesday, October 13, 2009

We've arrived!

Isn't it splendid? My heart is absolutely pounding with excitement. Just look at the beautiful gardens, all aglow with fairy lights - and the brilliant entryway.

Oh, Willow has done herself proud! We just climbed out of the Bentley and left it in the capable hands of Willow's parking attendants. Oh, wait - I nearly forgot my hostess gift. Here - have a look. I think I chose well - a literary gift for a literary hostess. It's a first edition copy of Pride and Prejudice - fitting, don't you think, considering that I have Colin Firth, the definitive Mr. Darcy, on my arm?

Listen! Can you hear the music? Oh, I can hardly wait to be twirling around and around the ballroom, my ears and my heart filled with that wonderful sound. Is that Herr Mozart's orchestra? Splendid, indeed!


Kat Mortensen said...

How thoughtful you are! I've been so wrapped up in my little catastrophe that I completely forgot about a hostess gift. I shall send her something tomorrow as a thank you.
Watch out for TFE and his homebrew. (she taps her nose with her forefinger).

Sandra Leigh said...

Oh, my dear. I've read about your catastrophe, and I'm devastated. Listen, though - I know a perfectly wonderful cyberchiropractor. Perhaps he could fix that toe for you, and then you could show us all how the rhumba should be done. What do you think?

Tess Kincaid said...

Oh, there you are! I see Kat has just warned you of TFE's Drambuie and mustard brew. It is extremely lethal, so take care.

We did manage to persuade him to don one of Roger Livesey's kilts, for the dance floor!

I will cherish the P & P. Thank you! ~x

Reya Mellicker said...

Sandra, you looked lovely at Willow's Ball, and I was so happy you agreed to dance with me. Marvelous!

I had no idea how to rhumba until tonight. xx

Susie Hemingway said...

Such fun we all had, what a place Willow Manor is! your photo really did it justice! and Dear Mr Darcy looked wonderful as usual, lovely idea about the book!

Sandra Leigh said...

Kitty, I do hope your foot is feeling less bruisy. Keeping it elevated on those satin pillows probably helped.

Willow, I'm glad you like P&P. Did you notice that its leather cover is red? I thought it would look good with your dress. Thank goodness TFE agreed to wear the kilt. Really. I was getting bleary-eyed from peeking through my fan.

Reya - I loved it! Doing the rhumba in my gown was a bit of a challenge, but I soldiered on, and I had a great time.

Thank you, Susie. We must make sure that Willow knows how much we enjoyed ourselves, so that next year this time, we'll have it all to do again, Such fun!

Unknown said...

Thank you for stopping by the eastern woodlands. It was such a fun time. i hope you enjoyed all the dancing. Visit again soon.

Betsy Brock said...

What a thoughtful gift! I know Willow will love it! And you...you look stunning...I saw all the men line up to get a spot on your dance card!

Sandra Leigh said...

Linda, Betsy, how delightful to see you. This ball has been the social event of the year. We'll all be talking about it for months to come - I suspect that TFE's grand entrance, alone, will be fodder for a good many gossip fests!

Barbara Martin said...

How lucky to have the debonair Colin Firth on your arm! Perhaps I might be able to have just one dance with him tonight. I'm certain the Prince won't mind taking you around the floor for a spin.

Totalfeckineejit said...

The book was a great present Sandra,I'm sure Willow is delighted.And what a great car to turn up in- sure beats my tractor.Twas a great night though wasn't it? I hope Mr D'Arse looked after you ok.I was dancin like a dervish when someone dropped some chilli sauce on me sporran.Lookin forward to nxt year already! Pip pip!

rxBambi said...

thanks so much for stopping by my blog. I'm so envious of Colin and I hope you don't mind if I beg a dance from him. You, of course, can dance with Otin...

MLG said...

What a lovely, thoughtful gift you brought the hostess with the mostess, Willow. The gardens are breathtaking at this time at night. It is so lovely to take a stroll with the two of you as we take a break from the dancing. You are such a wonderful conversationalist. Oh can you hear that?? It's perfect Tango music. Let's head back to the ball, the Tango is my favorite dance.

Sandra Leigh said...

Barbara, I counted my blessings every time the music started and Colin looked into my eyes. I swear, I felt faint every time. I do hope you and he found time to dance together, perhaps while I was on the floor with Robert Downey Jr. You know, I had no idea he would be at the ball. What a lovely surprise that was!

TFE, you were the talk of the town last night. All those fans fluttering, all those eyes peeking from behind the fans - well, it was a memorable evening. That's all I can say. How's your sporran? All better?

rxBambi - I never did get to dance with Otin. He seemed to be involved with Kate Somebody - what was all that about?

MW, I truly enjoyed our little chat. Do drop by The Turtle at any time, and I'll put the kettle on. (I think I have a tango CD in my collection. We could listen to it and reminisce.)

Cynthia Pittmann said...

Where are you? I love the castle but I'm zipping through time so fast I can't distinguish the English Manor from Willow's Manor! I will have to look into your blog a bit more to get oriented. This is the one you connect with-a more public format? Love the words/turtle in the sand! most appropriate! Thanks for your charming funny comments on my blog! Nice to meet you. Let me know which blog you use so we can keep in touch. Nothing better than gliding on the canals/rivers...I need to try that again...oh and all of the new ways too. (I only know a bit about canoeing.)

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