Monday, October 05, 2009

In memory of Mercedes Sosa, 1935-2009

Mercedes Sosa, the Argentine folk singer also known as "La Negra", has died at the age of 74. She was born July 9, 1935 in the province of Tucuman in northern Chile. She died in Buenos Aires on October 4. Her career spanned nearly sixty years. Sosa performed in Chile, the United States, and Europe. She lived in Paris and Madrid from 1976 to 1982, while she was banned in Chile due to her leftist views.

Thanks to Wiki for these few details. The entire article is here. It quotes Sosa's son Fabian Matus, who said of his mother, "She lived her 74 years to the fullest. She had done practically everything she wanted, she didn't have any type of barrier or any type of fear that limited her."

Is that not splendid? I could not wish for a better epitaph

I've embedded a recording of "Gracias a la Vida", Mercedes Sosa's most famous song. The lyrics were written by Chilean poet Violeta Parra.


Unknown said...

Beautiful music--both the singing & the guitar accompaniment. I wasn't aware of this artist--thanks--& what a fitting song as a tribute to her.

Barry said...

She has a strong proud voice. Just beautiful. I'm sorry I hadn't heard of her before.

Rachel Fox said...

Hombre, what a voz!

Came back to read one of my favourite Monday poems and found this too. Sadness and joy.


Sandra Leigh said...

John, Barry - sorry to be so late in replying. Kidnapped by life, I've been. Today is Respite. Thank you for listening. She is splendid, isn't she?

Rachel, thank you for listening -- and for the compliment.

California Girl said...

Yes, I heard about her death on Natl Public Radio. I was unfamiliar with her but they went into some depth about her activism and willingness to risk prison or worse for what she believed in.

Anonymous said...

ACK! Did not know about this! Alas, she si gone but her voice will live on...

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