Friday, October 30, 2009

Friday Photo Shootout -- Park Landscapes

We have been under water for several days, but for a while this afternoon, the sun came out, and I took the opportunity to snap a few photos in Bowen Park, which is right in downtown Nanaimo.  As you can see, Bowen Park is well-treed, but it also has many other attractions. At one end of the park there is a soccer field. At the other end is the Curling Club. Within the park there are tennis courts,

an outdoor swimming pool,

children's playground equipment, and a lovely bowling green, where white-clad bowlers may be seen cavorting on summer days.

There is a very popular seniors' recreation centre next to the bowling green.

Farther inside the park, there used to be a group of totem poles. I tried to find them today, but they had disappeared. It turns out that they were rotting and considered a safety hazard, so they have been removed. Timing is everything. I wish I had taken photos of them before they were pulled down.

There is still the duck pond, though, near where the totem poles were, and now there appears to be a fountain that I don't remember.

I don't remember this bridge, either. I suspect it's been a long time since I took a walk in Bowen  Park. Thanks to JarieLyn for this assignment. For more Friday Photo Shootout posts, just click on the camera in my sidebar.


Barry said...

Thanks for the walk through Bowen Park. Obviously a park for every taste, young and old alike.

Certainly a great place for photography!

~JarieLyn~ said...

This looks and sounds like an amazing park. I really like your first photo and the photo of the bridge. Very nice shoot out. I wish you could have gotten the totem poles too, but your shoot out turned out great wihtout them.

Kim said...

You live in a beautiful town...what a lovely day for a walk in the park! I want to stand on that little bridge and watch the ducks on the water!

Chef E said...

I am thinking if I could just find my time machine and get back to my early years I could enjoy these playgrounds they have for kids now...we just had rubber tires laying around, LOL, love your post and hope all is going as you think...

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