Friday, October 23, 2009

Friday Photo Shootout - Classics of Childhood

I've been thinking a lot today about this assignment. I do have a photo for you -- that's my granddaughter getting ready to follow her brother down the slide at Maffeo Sutton Park. The slide, the jungle gym, the swings, the carousel -- all the elements of a child's playground are classics -- even the modern, fancified, brightly-coloured fancies that I see in modern playgrounds.  As a child,

I loved all the playground equipment, but for me the highlight of the playground was the swing. I would swing and sing, swing and sing.

There was another classic of my childhood that I simply must mention. I don't have any photographs from those days, but I found this clip at You Tube. By the way, I should issue a warning. This episode contains a clown! Viewer discretion is advised.


Barry said...

I confess, I was a member of the "peanut gallery" for many years, both for the American and Canadian versions of the show.

Of course the American version was hosted by Buffalo Bob, but was Trapper Tom the host of the Canadian version?

I forget.

Sandra Leigh said...

I don't know, Barry. I watched Buffalo Bob. I didn't know there was a Canadian version of the show!

Debbie said...

How cute those playground photos are. Such good memories are made on playgrounds.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the Howdy Dowdy clip! What fun--it was really my sister's show, but I do have some memories of it; & a Howdy Dowdy towel that's one of my prized possessions!

tony said...

Lovely Photos.Have A Fine Weekend.

Unknown said...

Oh, I love to swing. Adorable grandkids too!!

Thanks for playing this week ♥

Jen said...

oooh - cute kids! What sweet photos!

I admit, I'm a bit too young to remember the TV show, but I do know it certainly is a classic!

J9 said...

We used to love the slides - up the ladder, down the slide. up the ladder, down the slide - over and over again!

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