Sunday, September 13, 2009

Twitter is Such a Nag!

Just home from work, I was reading Twitter, catching up on the day's gossip news, when I came across this tweet by Virginia deBolt:

A commitment to a blog is a good way to conquer the fear of the blank page. Small doses add up.

I had been thinking about the fact that I was tired and disgruntled and I didn't feel the least bit like writing a blog entry. It was as if Virginia in particular, or all of Twitterdom, were reading my mind. Now, I simply can't accept the idea that Virginia (of First 50 Words) would have anything but my best interest in mind. Twitterdom as a whole - well, who knows? But Virginia is on my side. I know that.

So I sighed the sigh of the put-upon, and I brought myself over to The Turtle, bringing a little something from Twitter along for the ride. Have you seen Roger Federer's winning shot in his match vs Novak Djokovic? It's the coolest thing. He hits the ball backwards between his legs. You know, that borders on arrogance! You can watch it here.

I think I know why I'm feeling unsettled. The next couple of weeks will be full of change:

On Thursday, I'll be attending the first WordStorm gathering of the season. I'm not quite ready to join the ranks of the lightning readers, but I hope that I can begin - eventually - to feel at home in the venue. I'll also be asking the regulars about the possibility of joining a local writers' group. It feels, in the anticipation, a little like the first day of school - redolent of fresh clean paper and sharp pencils, uncracked books and the ever-present threat of schoolyard bullies. I am eight years old, my hair is stringy, and I have blisters on my feet from my new saddle shoes.

As if that weren't traumatic enough, nine days from now is the Fall Equinox. I'm starting to mourn Summer already, even while the sun shines warmly and the berries are still ripening along my path. Note to self: Carpe diem.


Unknown said...

Hey, but those are exciting things too; good for you, getting involved in these writing events & groups. I think this season is always a bit "redolent of fresh clean paper & sharp pencils" even when we don't have such exciting new things to look forward to--love that phrase.

Barry said...

I think I agree. There is a discipline to daily blogging that is transferable to other areas of life.

However, daily blogging can also be a disruption to those other area, if not an outright avoidance.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I know I have dish waiting to be washed, but I'll get to them right after my next post.

Unknown said...

Love your header! Awesome!

Unknown said...

The writing muse...I started blogging just to get the words out...I knew I could get a few sentences out here and there...and you know what? It worked!!!

I gained the courage to begin to write a novel, with the same attitude...I'll just get a few sentences out...I'm more than half way through!

Keep up the good work! You are on your way!

Debbie said...

What? Equinox? I'm not ready. No one told me it was this close:)

Sandra Leigh said...

Yes, John. Although there's some apprehension, I am in fact very excited. I'm actually glad that we won't be heading for Mexico this year. That will give me a chance to get involved in some interesting things here.

Barry, I need a 48-hour day. If I could only think of a way to do without sleep, I'd be set.

Thank you, Linda. I'm told I should have made the letters taller, so some time this year I'll go do it again - an excuse for a Long Beach visit if ever I saw one! Meantime, I'm happy with the header, and it brings back lovely memories.

Kim, thank you for the inspiration. November is coming, with NaNoWriMo. I'd better wake that muse up pretty soon!

Debbie, wait until you're my age. Everything comes at you at the speed of light. It's frightening.

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