Friday, September 11, 2009

Tempus - fugit.

No Friday Shootout photo today, I'm afraid. There were bushes to be pruned, clothes to be (re)washed, groceries to be bought, and somehow all things bloggy got pushed to the end of the line. I do have very tidy-looking shrubs now, and the dryer is stacked with folded clothes. Tomorrow, I'll sort through them to see what still fits, what I should donate to Value Village, and what looks like a cleaning rag-to-be.

A side benefit to all the pruning I did today is that I have a huge bouquet of hydrangeas hanging upside down from a hook. When they finish drying, they will grace various vases, brightening the dreariness of winter.

I'm determined to take some time tonight and tomorrow to make a little more progress through The Heart is a Lonely Hunter. I've hardly had time to read at all, and I look forward to seeing more of McCuller's turns of phrase. She delighted me by saying that somebody's broken leg was encased in a "plaster parish" cast. I can hardly believe that she wrote this book at the age of 23.


Sara Diana said...

At least you have got your house in order and good luck with the book. I love reading so much and am part of the amazon vine programme - great way to read new stuff xx

RLM Cooper said...

And the hydrangea will go nicely with the lavender bouquet...

Sandra Leigh said...

Sara, I will have to look up the Amazon vine programme - I've never heard of it before. Thanks.

Angel May, you read my mind.

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