Saturday, September 26, 2009

Notes at the end of a long day: Head full of popcorn -

It has indeed been a long day, and my mind is feeling rather like a popcorn machine (complete with melted butter-like substance), but soon it will be time to take my book and head off to bed. I'm looking forward to that.

This is where I'll be spending tomorrow afternoon. Kim Goldberg is launching her new book, RED ZONE, at The Vault, a downtown coffee house I've been wanting to visit. Cool. Two birds. One stone. There will be a reading, book sales,and music. I heard Kim read some of her poems at the library a couple of months ago, and I look forward to this chance to see what she's been doing since. (Oh, and if anybody has a spare room to lend me, for storing all these books I'm acquiring, I'd be grateful.)

Meanwhile, I'm sitting here in my Ralph Lauren striped pajamas (I got them at Winners, which is sort of the Canadian equivalent of Ross, I think -- for super-cheap, and they're very comfortable), listening to Grieg on the CBC classical stream, wondering whether I should take a stab at that meme that Kathryn got from Angie. I could swear I'd already done that meme, but I can't find it. Hey, I just answered at least two of the question (#3 and #7, and maybe #19) so I guess I'm doing it. In for a penny, then - I'll just tackle a few questions, the ones that I found particularly intriguing (not that I found the "What are you wearing?" question intriguing. Really. That would be kinky. I just happen to be wearing something with a fancy label on it, so I thought I'd take the opportunity to drop a name. ;>)

#1 - What's my current obsession? My NaNoWriMo Wnot-yet-IP. Actually, it is IP, in the sense that I'm thinking about it. I bought a dry-erase board and drew a family tree for my MC, with dates of birth, marriages, death as appropriate. I've scribbled notes everywhere -- suggestions for plot points, questions about my characters' motivations, reminders to check one date or another. Every time I open a notebook, I see something like "What attracted Bridget to Tony in the first place? He really is a bit of a scumbag, you know. Why didn't she see that?" My characters are nattering constantly now. I'll be glad to start writing about them. Maybe they'll quiet down then. (Did I hear somebody say "Fat chance"?) I want to rent a loft -- or a warehouse -- with white walls and lots of light, so that I can write all over the walls. Recently, I saw an ad for a new paint that you can use to turn any surface into a dry-erase board. Yes, Yes, Yes. That's what I need. A warehouse, a team of painters, and 40 gallons of dry-erase paint. Oh, and markers. Lots of markers.

#5 - What would I like to learn to do? I would like to learn to play the violin. I would like to play the violin like Isaac Stern. (By the way, in case you decide to watch this video - It starts slowly, but it's worth the wait.)

#10-What am I afraid of? Oy. Where do I begin? Failure.

#11 - What's my favourite guilty pleasure? Gorgonzola.

#17 - What super-power would I like to possess? Healing.

#21 - What was the last thing...that made me laugh really hard? I read today's Faster Than Kudzu post. Joshilyn Jackson makes me laugh so hard, I cry.

#23 - Describe my personal style. Disorganized.

That's it. I won't attempt to do the entire meme, in part because there's a little voice in my head telling me I've already done it (See #23). Maybe I just thought about it. That happens a lot (See #23).

If you've read this far, your brain is probably feeling like a popcorn machine, too. I do apologize for that.


Anonymous said...

Sandra, oy! So much into one post! That looks a right cozy place to frequent, it does.

Haven't really started on the family tree thingy, as yet( yes, I'm dragging feet on that ).

Sounds like rain( looks out window ), so looks like we both will have a day of it, reading-wise. Cheers :)

Unknown said...

Maybe you're only disorganized in the absence of dry erase boards! Sounds like you should be able to hit the ground running in November--have fun at the reading!

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