Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Three Word Wednesday, just for fun

This week's words: Fracture, Noise, Vanish. Click here for links to more 3WW posts.

A compound fracture, the doctor was saying.
The mother turned pale, and she fainted,
Turning slowly as she crumpled to the floor.
A noise like gargling came from her throat,
And her eyes were half closed against the sight
Of white bone protruding through flesh.
The child and the doctor exchanged wry glances,
Smiling at the fragility of a mother
Whose legendary stoicism could vanish
At the sight of a little blood.


Asleep On My Feet said...

I have a friend whose the same way. It definitely makes my stomach clench to see injuries, but I'm glad I don't pass out.

Andy Sewina said...

Phew, this sounds painful!

gautami tripathy said...

Sounds like a mother alright!


blowing over that mug of coffee

Debbie said...

Oh sure, if it is your child's blood and bones. I think we all feel that.

Thom Gabrukiewicz said...

Funny, very witty. I was that kid, but it was my siblings who couldn't take my bloody upbringing. I liked this a lot.

Barry said...


Hurt just reading it.

Unknown said...

Yikes! I'm not very squeamish, I think, but actual bone is pretty rough stuff! An interesting take on the perspectives, & liked the way you handled the tone.

Kathryn Magendie said...

I love this! To me, poetry is image and you have created a strong and compelling and real image.....

Tumblewords: said...

Yup. It's a mother's thing! Neat post!

Sandra Leigh said...

Thank you, everybody. If I try to name you all, it will make for a silly, laundry-listed sort of comment - so I'll just confess that I've never broken a bone, and my children haven't, either. I did see a school chum come off a high jump and break her leg. That must have been 45 years ago, but obviously the image stuck. I'm trying to get to all your blogs today. So little time...

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