Thursday, August 27, 2009

Theme Thursday, and me without a Theme

I was bemoaning the fact that I simply haven't had time to do Theme Thursday this week, when I realized that I have nothing at all to say about limousines, so I had nothing to worry about.

But wait. I met a lady today who showed me some amazing photos. With a little help from Google, I found some photos to share with you. This isn't exactly a limo, but it's a pretty fancy piece of machinery - an amphibious bus! The bus apparently runs from Parliament Hill to the Ottawa River, whereupon it dives in and swims. There are more photos here.

The lady I met today said that she was standing beside the river, waiting for a bus, when she saw the amphibious bus plunge into the water. She panicked, seeing that there were actually people on the bus, fearing for their lives. I think I'd have done the same.

By the way, lots of other people actually did have something to say about limos, and you can find a link to their posts here. Thanks to Betsy for the theme.


Dreamhaven said...

Love the bus. Thanks for sharing the pictures. Happy TT

Wings1295 said...

Hah! Found something anyway!

Anonymous said...

Sandra, we've got the ol' military duck-trucks round Boston but nothing like this! Way cool!

Tom said...

this bus looks more like a wet sandwich shop!

Brian Miller said...

nice pic. when i lived in baltimore they had "duck tours"which were essentially boats on wheels that would plunge into the harbor...the annoying thing was they gave them all duck calls...lunch hour on those days got rather sorry i am just getting around to the tt posts. hope you are having a great weekend.

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