Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Joshilyn Jackson Rocks, and So Do I.

I don't rock as hard as Joshilyn does, of course. She's so awesome, her book The Girl Who Stopped Swimming just hit the New York Times Bestsellers List. That is such wonderful news - and her latest post is so joyful - that I must send you over to Faster Than Kudzu to read about it. Do click here. You won't regret it.

My rocking is of a much more subtle sort. My plans for the day got a little amended. I was called in to work, but I did manage to sneak away a bit early and go to the gym, where I discovered that I have lost 2.8 pounds in the nine days since my last weigh-in. That makes my weight now X minus 6.2 pounds. My BP today was 117/77, heart rate 79. Okay, so it's not the NYT Bestsellers List, but I feel quite accomplished.


Kat Mortensen said...

Congratulations! That's quite an achievement. You go girl!
Checking the


Sandra Leigh said...

Hi, Kat. You'll love Joshilyn's post. J is one of the funniest people I've ever "met".

Anonymous said...

YES! You SHOULD feel accomplished! That is great Sandra. Good for you. I am off to visit your referral.

Sandra Leigh said...

Hi, Audrey - Thank you, and I hope you enjoyed visiting Joshilyn's site.

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