Tuesday, April 07, 2009

So. Did you see House last night? oh.my.god. I had just finished reading Beth Dunn's guest blog at The Egalitarian Bookworm (Chick?), which made me laugh until I cried. Then I turned on House, and all of a sudden I was crying again - but not from laughter. No spoilers here - just see the latest episode of House. It's a heartbreaker.

Yesterday, I was talking about Lupa (the Lovely), the Golden Retriever with whom my husband carried on a ten-year affair. I remembered that if I looked in my other computer, I might find a picture of her, and sure enough, here it is. This is Lupa with Robin, who looks very stern. I don't remember why. Maybe it's because he's sitting on the edge of a precipice. The photo is from our trip to Orcas Island*, where we met a group of online friends for a long weekend. We were meeting some of the folks for the first time, but others had long since become offline, visible friends. We had a great time, and Lupa was the star of the weekend.I took this sunset picture from a cabin near the shore. We had traveled in our motor home, but everybody else had come by plane, and they stayed in one or the other of the cabins. There were people from as far away as Texas, Missouri, and Vermont.

Have I mentioned that I love the interwebs? I meet the most interesting people here.

*Orcas Island is part of the San Juan chain. It is located in the northwestern corner of the United States - just a stone's throw from my home on Vancouver Island, B.C.


Unknown said...

Lupa looks like she was one happy dog-- & love that pic looking over the water-- & the poem by my old poetry grad school teacher Greg Orr, who is a really nice guy. Never expected to see a rhyme in one of his poems tho.

Marty C said...

Lupa certainly was the star of the Orcas Island trip. Sorry to learn that she is gone. I must have missed, that bit of news. Or, maybe it was just conveniently forgotten. I know you both miss her lots.


Sandra Leigh said...

Oh, John - you're a student of Gregory Orr? You lucky thing. The rhyme was probably an accident. ;>)

Marty, yes. Lupa died of a heart attack. We all miss her.

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