Saturday, April 04, 2009

So - what do you think?

I was having trouble reading my own blog, and besides, I needed to celebrate its evolution from travel journal to daily ramble, so I spent the evening playing with various templates. This one seemed to combine the level of contrast that I need with the colour scheme I like. The photo at the top is one I took a couple of years ago in Mazatlan. They get great sunsets in Mazatlan.

Yesterday was such a confusing day. The killings in Binghamton, New York chilled my soul. I don't know the full story, but the reports that I did see painted a picture of such despair, I could hardly bear to watch.

And then - the Iowa Supreme Court reversed the state's ban on gay marriage. What? Iowa? Not that I'm complaining. I'm elated. But Iowa? That's just so cool.


Marty C said...

Blew me away. However, it now looks as if there will be an attempt to try and change the Iowa Constitution. That's what was done here in Missouri. It is now in our State Constitution that marriage is only between a man and a woman. I guess all that Mississippi mud gets in your brain and causes small mindedness. Hopefully, corn silk doesn't do the same thing in Iowa.

Sandra Leigh said...

I'm feeling rather hopeful these days. :>)

Unknown said...

I really like the new look-- love the masthead picture. Sometimes I think of putting a pic on the masthead at RFB, but can never find one that suits me-- yours really fits the blog.

Hooray for Iowa. Even if this does get circumvented thru the state constitution I see it as another sign that things will change. Thanks for posting about it. I've not only had very little online time, I've been out of touch in general.

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