Monday, December 22, 2008

December 22, 2008

Tea and croissants. Norah Jones singing "Come Away With Me", courtesy of You Tube. This is just what I need.

Early this morning, I set my pedometer to zero, and R and I walked to the top end of the beach. I touched the rock under the Playa Bruja sign. My pedometer read 2,625 steps. Then we went to the cafe at the top of the stairs and had coffee. It came with a complimentary plate of fruit - a little each of pineapple, cantaloupe, watermelon, papaya, lime. Delicious. We retraced our steps, came back to the RV. My pedometer read just over 3,000 steps. Hey! I bin robbed! Either that, or the trip home really is shorter.

About noon, we took the Juarez bus (with TJ and Kris) to a new supermarket called Mega. It is all of that. I think I got in two days' worth of walking, just trying to find a roasted chicken. It turned out that there weren't any ready, and there wouldn't be any for two hours. So R and I got really brave and bought a slice of (cooked) stuffed pork to share. There were samples set out, and they tasted yummy - so there's dinner. We'll have that with a big salad. Robin decided I shouldn't cook, because it would heat up the rv. I did notice that in the fresh fish department, there was a sign indicating that if we bought a fish, they would fry it for us, for free. Maybe the next time we go shopping, we'll take advantage of that offer. The fish looked very good. But, but - what am I going to do with this bunch of fresh bay leaves I've bought, or the sample of mole I want to try with chicken?

I've now cleaned the fruit and vegetables, and I'm seriously considering a siesta. Robin has gone wading, or maybe swimming. Kris has borrowed my bike and gone for a ride. I'm on my own.

Well. That was about an hour and a half ago. R turned up at the door, wet and very pleased with his adventure. I became completely obsessed with making a "Female Vocalists" playlist on YouTube. I discovered a new singer for my Favourites list. Her name is Katie Melua, and she is apparently Huge in the UK, according to whoever posted her videos. I can understand it. Some of the videos are bizarre, but I love her voice.

So that's how we find ourselves saying Omigod where did the day go?

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