Friday, January 19, 2007

Now for something completely different. We stayed last night at Mirador RV Park, not our idea of a place to spend any time, as I think I told you. This morning we drove back into town and checked into Totonaka RV Park, a horse of an entirely different colour. It's a bustling little village of a park - full of Canadians, by the way. I remarked to one fellow that I wondered whether anyone was left up in B.C. He replied, "Why would they be?" which makes me think the weather hasn't improved back home. We booked in for one night, changed our minds and paid for a week.

San Carlos has lots of interesting shops, and it has Tony, who sells everything from steaks, Italian sausages and tamales to pineapple and Microdyn (for washing vegetables) from the back of his truck a few blocks from here. The truck can't possibly hold it all, so he sets up a sort of mini-market around it, using cafeteria tables, ice chests. He's sort of like Bahia Kino's Martin, but on a much grander scale. He even sells homemade banana bread and tortillas.

I decided that 'twas better to be safe, and all that. I got the address of the local doctor, Dr. Canale, and walked to his office. I told him how long it had really been since my last tetanus booster, and he said I should get boosted again. I waited a few minutes, read from Barbara Kingsolver's Animal Dreams, which I found on his bookshelf. Dr. Canale isn't nearly as cute as Dr. Duran, but he speaks excellent English and his taste in literature is impeccable.

When he had given me my shot, the doctor said that the dog would have to be kept on a leash for fourteen days. I said fat chance. I explained the situation. He said that if the dog gets hit by a truck and killed or disappears, I'll have to have the rabies shots. I e-mailed my friend in Kino and passed that tidbit on.

After that I walked down the street and bought a bathing suit. That was my act of optimism for the day.

The only problem we're having here at Totonaka is with things electronic. We haven't been able to get the cable working (no great loss), and the wireless has been hopeless. They gave me a password for each of their two networks, and I couldn't get either one to work. I carried the laptop back to the office and the fellow could make it work in there. I still couldn't make it work at home. On my second return to the office, I found out that the password had been changed, apparently since we booked in. I still couldn't get the one I'm supposed to use at the rv to work, but I could use the default network in the clubhouse, so that's where I'm sitting. The crowd in here has shrunk to two of us, which probably means that the managers have got the other network working now. If I don't book onto Skype while we're here, that's why. I will come in here every day and check e-mail, tell you what's happening, if anything.

Oh yes - this is where all the pelicans are. For some reason there were none in Bahia Kino this time, whereas last year the place was filthy with pelicans!

And oh yes - the sun came out here today. See Sandra do her happy dance! I saw a newspaper here that warned that the temperature was going to go down again, but I prefer to stay in denial as long as possible.

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